
A-HA! Records was founded by E. Grizzly and Marko Level in 2008.  A-HA stands for “artists helping artists” because it started off in Miami as a group of artists helping each other with DIY shows, recording, producing, mixing, promoting etc. We have grown through out the years, we book and promote all around the country but it’s still just a bunch of friends who help each other with their music endeavors.  We don’t sign new artists.  We’re not going to produce, mix, promote or book any artists we don’t know.  If you want to get involved just come by one of the shows and show love.
E. Grizzly is an audio/visual artist based out of Philadelphia and is the lead vocalist in the band Felipe Pupo.  He specializes in combining genres such as hip hop, punk, metal, noise, Caribbean rhythms etc. and incorporates his music into his street art as well.
Social Media:  E. Grizzly’s Instagram   E. Grizzly’s Facebook   E. Grizzly’s Twitter

marko level

Marko Level is a singer, songwriter, producer and engineer based out of Los Angeles.  His music is a combination of stoner rock, punk, latin rock, hip hop and pop.  He is the former lead singer of the Miami band Alukard and has performed in hundreds of shows all across America.
Social Media:  Marko Level’s Instagram   Marko Level’s Facebook   Marko Level’s Twitter


Felipe Pupo is an afrobeat, punk, hip hop, hardcore, prog experimental band based out of Philadelphia created by E. Grizzly, Scott Labenski and Jason Pupo.
Social Media:  Felipe Pupo’s Instagram   Felipe Pupo’s Facebook


Alukard was a stoner rock, punk, hip hop fusion band from Miami.  They released two albums and created a huge local following in South Florida before they broke up and went there separate ways in 2013.
Social Media:  Alukard’s Facebook
“E. Grizzly unifies calypso, punk, and hip hop into sleek, tenacious, warm grooves on his latest LP Felipe Pupo”     Q.D. Tran The Deli Philadelphia


“The latest mixtape by Philly MC E. Grizzly couldn’t be more perfect.”     John Vettese WXPN The Key


“The real pleasure in listening is from beginning to end. When’s the last time you could say that about a whole album? That’s how you know this shit is real. Grizzly doesn’t pull punches, and his lyrical work is intelligent and thought provoking.”     Abel Folgar Broward New Times


“The real stars here though, are MC’s Level and E. Grizzly.”     Arielle Castillo Miami New Times


“E. Grizzly just adds more weight to an already respectable project, there are some good vibes coming from E. Grizzly and RA, I’m excited to see more…”     Nikki Siixx NikkiSiixx.com


“Felipe Pupo explore the placement of culture in this current American society.  Knowledge of one’s history paired with contemporary context splinters into schizophrenic urges.  And as each generation is its own nascent definition.  The fury of this exploration is done under the fetters of an Anglo-defined system.  E. Grizzly and Labenski provide the soundtrack.  And it fucking kills.”     Newnoisemagazine.com


“Skating across the musical spectrum, these guys create a sound of punk and classic rock dutifully combined with bass and hip hop that inspires a deep connection with their audiences.”   Miami.com


“This crew can put our city on the Alt-Rock map.”   Miami New Times


“When Alukard’s new video for “A Knight Out” gets seen outside of South Florida, the world is going to see the special way that we rock down here.”   Broward New Times


“But it was Miami locals, Alukard who owned the scene.”   Outloud.com


“The approximately fifty five minute – thirteen track album, threads across stages of calypso, metal hammer and hip hop with each piece offering something different.  Whilst, as a result, each piece can be played in isolation – allowing Felipe Pupo to run its course finds the listener having been taken on a wide reaching journey with the different ideas that appear during the course of the album and more fully appreciate the conceptualization of the release and thereby providing the complete context.”   Emergingindiebands.com


“E. Grizzly is one of my favorite underground rappers.  Period.”   TuffGnarl.com



155 thoughts on “About

  1. bcharmelin says:

    “I’m not a blogger I just write alot” I really liked that. Just thought I’d let you know.

  2. sarahjaneprosetry says:

    Hey! Do you know of any poetry nights in Miami? I’m searching

    • egrizzly305 says:

      There’s a bunch actually. The best in my eyes are Stone Groove at the Vagabond on Tuesday, Words and Wine which I just realized isn’t going on right now which sucks. You can google it and see the next one. It’s really good. Churchills on Monday is good and the Literary Cafe always does open mics. All very good.

  3. Wow!
    Quite an adventurous life you lead.

  4. if life isn’t about livin’ n learnin’ then what is about? sounds like you certainly have had your share of adventures too…thanks for following

  5. freddyflow says:

    Wow, Mr. Grizz–you have quite the bio going. I’m honored you’ve followed my lil’ ol’ blog. Oh, and feel free to steal my lyrics any time…

  6. freddyflow says:

    PS Great theme! Chunk is excellent (although it doesn’t have a sidebar)…

  7. Ganesh says:

    Nice! Thanks for following my blog. 🙂

  8. Sandy Sue says:

    Erik, thank you so much for visiting my site and deciding to follow along. Continued luck and success with your music.

  9. wow, i like your writing and appreciate your big spirit. thanks for visiting and following me. will look forward also to checking out your music. cheers!

  10. All the best to you, when you believe it and work hard for it and have the talent: you are in, no matter if it’s only you and me who nows that. But it’s not the case, you’re taking your long way just in front of you, focused. Respect for so much devotion and heart.

  11. annewhitaker says:

    Hi there! Thanks for signing up to my blog. Anne

  12. Tim Birchard says:

    Dude! You don’t fool around! I’m bowing long and low.
    Peace, Tim

  13. skipmars says:

    So what do you do in your spare time? Good luck in your career(s). I think I’m a few years older than you and am not familiar with all of the names in your background. I still remember Howdy Doody and Leave It To Beaver! Black and white TV that ended at midnight with the Marine Band playing Star Spangled Banner. That being the case, thanks for visiting my blog and reading “The Party.”

  14. msneed91 says:

    Sheesh so many accomplishments…how inspiring!…

  15. Thanks for stopping by and following my blog!

  16. Thanks for signing up for my blog. Look forward to seeinig more of yours. cheers.

  17. Renate Hechenberger says:

    Thanks Eric for visiting and following me. will look forward reading your stuff. Take care.

  18. One thing is for sure from these bullet points constituting a bio: You’ve kept moving forward throughout your life/career. Not everyone has that talent, too many get moored in the past. Good on ya, my friend.

  19. audrina1759 says:

    Happy 4 u.Keep up the good work.

  20. I am not worthy I am not worthy

  21. Ms. Nine says:

    Thanks for the follow. Good stuff here.

  22. ICAtransparencies says:

    hey! thanks for following my blog, you are right! I am not a blogger, I just like to write. Haha! 🙂

  23. nightlake says:

    Thank you very much for choosing to follow my blog. Good luck with your blog:)

  24. dlkoch says:

    like your blog a lot, I’ll be checking in again. thanks for checking out my feeble attempts at poetry.

  25. Hah, great history of past deals. I totally read “HELLDOESNOTEXISTASWEKNOWITBIZZAROMIXVOL0” as “Hell does no Texas … wait what?” PS, thanks for the follow.

  26. Lamberta says:

    Wow! I’m glad to have found your site and now know someone extremely accomplished in the music industry. Can’t wait to hear your music and keep reading about your “grizzly adventures.” 🙂 Hope I can be as accomplished in the writing/social media industry as you are in the music world. Keep on keeping on. Thanks for following by the way.

  27. Great list of achievements. Thanks for the follow. 🙂 Sam

  28. Unsungpoet says:

    Wow so very interesting…and I LOVE your self-description on your header!

  29. Karmic Diva says:

    Thanks for following me. ’I’m finally on Facebook, the demon of social media. I’m sitting alone here in my tiny dark corner of Facebook waiting for your visit. Please come and see my new Facebook page and for heaven sakes…Like me!!

  30. Andrew Brobyn says:

    Thanks for the follow, check out my older work, it’s much more inspired.

  31. Onleilove says:

    Thanks for the follow. I look forward to hearing your mixtape!

  32. Thanks for the follow – hope you enjoy! Spread the word… 😉

  33. kerilady says:

    Reading this about-page made me feel inefficient, but that’s OK, I guess. 🙂 Thanks a lot for following me!

    • egrizzly305 says:

      My actions have nothing to do with your world. Your world is sufficient for you. My world is sufficient for me. Your world is great in it’s own way. Never forget that.

  34. Michelle says:

    Hey there! Thanks a bunch for following my blog. I hope you enjoy what you read in posts to come 🙂

    Also, looks like you’re doing quite a bit. Ambition is awesome. Good luck with all you’re doing and thanks for sharing it with the rest of the world!

  35. E.G. You’ve got some incredible stuff here– wish I’d known you when I lived in the 305– keep it alive, man, I’m following. ~ peace, Jason

  36. Thank you for following my blog. You are a man of many high quality talents … I love the work you have on display and I am going to enjoy following your adventures.

  37. Great blog!! I will be checking back here often. 🙂 Congrats on everything!!! You deserve it.
    Thanks for checking out my blog, by the way.

  38. wordcoaster says:

    Thanks for following–and kudos for breaking into the music biz. How’d you do it? Were you “discovered”?

  39. That’s what I like to see — active creativity all around!! Congratulation on all of your accomplishments, and keep truckin’ !!

  40. bwhartwork says:

    Very impressed with your achievements you are very talented and thanks for following!

  41. I know we have just met and I am thinking you lovely in All your Experience, Strength and Hope.
    Here’s to You my friend!
    I am nominating you for “Lovely Blogger Award” http://emotionalmommie.wordpress.com/2012/09/07/someone-thought-of-me-my-first-award/

  42. Thanks for following my blog! Very impressed with yours! If ever in need of an Interior Designer, I’m your girl! LOL

  43. fionntáin says:

    Hi thanks for following my blog. Heres to good vibrations. Cheers

  44. Kim says:

    Hi Erik…..thanks for visiting “Unwalled” and deciding to follow; I am truly honored…….based on your listed achievements you seem full of talent and full of energy, use them well and all the set with your blog………blessings to you!……..KIm

  45. you hav a fascinating bio grizzly. I syopped by to thank you for choosing to follow my blog Barefoot Baroness. And I found a grizzly Bear. Delightful!!’

  46. pondelinp says:

    Hi Erik, You are my first follow-up. and i like your site. Cheers 😀

  47. jule says:

    Thanks for following one of my blogs, spontaneousvegetation.wordpress.com. Good luck with your blog.

  48. Glennie Bee says:

    Wow! Fabulous! Thanks for following – more than happy to return the compliment!

  49. mbfitzmahan says:

    Thank you for following me on my blog. I don’t know much about hip hop, but I am interesting in learning. I look forward to learning from you.

    In a past life I was an attorney, so I empathize with your problems with your copyright case. When I practiced law, my goal was to keep my clients out of court. I hope you have an experienced and compassionate attorney.

    Are you interested in Japan? I hope you enjoy my blog. I enjoy a good conversation.

  50. inkspeare says:

    Thank you for visiting my blog. I wish you much success in your artistic endeavors and many blessings.

  51. petrel41 says:

    Hi, thanks for subscribing to my blog! Welcome 🙂

  52. pstpierre says:

    Erik, You are a talented guy.Record artist and all.

    Love the grizzly art and the name.

    thanks for following my blog.

  53. Some seriously strange and cool stuff here.
    Will be back to absorb more.
    Thanks for following.

  54. Are you not exhausted yet? 😉

    Fabulous “about” and intresring bio- love that “nothing seems to slow a grizzly down”
    looks to be true.

    You keep on keeping.. and while at it keep on rocking this world. Its a great blog, much to soak up. Obviously a browse through is not suffiicient.

    • egrizzly305 says:

      I hibernate and make a bunch of art during the winter. haha It helps me keep my sanity. Thank you for this by the way. Love to see personality in words. Will be checking you out as well.

  55. Thank you for the Follow! I look forward to exploring you more 😉

  56. Griz, Thanks for stopping by my blog. Reads like you’re living your adventure complete with whip and stetson. Suspect we’ll meet somewhere along the trail. Meanwhile — Go for it all, amigo, and good hunting to you!

  57. Hey Griz, thanks for following ritaLOVEStoWRITE. Keep blogging. Cheers, Rita

  58. boomiebol says:

    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and for the follow

  59. Dean Whitehorn artblogs says:

    Hey Grizzly. Thanks for your visit! It’s great to meet you and read your story! I look forward to reading about what comes next.

  60. Thanx for the follow! Interesting bio

  61. Thanks for the follow buddy! Much appreciated.

    Alana 🙂

  62. AlisonNicola says:

    Awesome art, awesome blog, and awesome about section. I can’t wait to see more of your stuff!

  63. Julia Kovach says:

    Hey Grizz, nice job on the post and spectacular job on all you’ve accomplished! Way to keep on keeping on! Looking forward to watching you soar, man! xoJulia

  64. pierrmorgan says:

    I’d say you’re a top rate blogger. I wouldn’t have known you are on the planet. Thanks for the visit & follow. Keep on lighting the world. Cheers!

  65. miso808 says:

    I enjoyed the read and listen, big mahalo… keep writing, not blogging…

  66. Need the option to follow by email so I get notified whenever a new post goes up. I never look at the “reader”.

  67. Job Conger says:

    I am knocked OVER by your packaging, art, poetry music and videos. Laughed out loud at the Mentos and Coke show! You are more than an artist; you are a BRAND! BRAVO!

  68. That’s quite a list of accomplishments. …and obviously you are only just beginning; best wishes to you on your journey.
    Thanks for the follow on my blog.

  69. tsizzles says:

    Hi Erik, I know it’s late but I nominated you for the “Blog Of The Year” award. Check it out:

    Blog of the year 2012 award

  70. keithfitton says:

    Thanks for dropping by on my meanderings. S’much appreciated!

  71. Love the lyrics! Thanks for the follow!

  72. Thank you for following my blog, ConniesRandomThoughts. Glad you liked it.

  73. Just wanted to leave a huge thank you for following “Think!”! If there’s ever anything you’d like me to cover on there just let me know.
    Thanks again!

  74. Melanie says:

    Thank you very much for the follow. I’m relatively new at this blogging thing, and probably too old for much adventure, but I’m giving it a shot. Hope to see you around.

  75. jannatwrites says:

    You’ve got a long list of accomplishments. I like how you end it with “The future – Looking forward to it” – that’s perfect!

  76. AishDos says:

    Hi Griz, thanks for following my blog. Keep sharing your creative passion. It can often be contagious. Like one flame to the wick of another.

  77. inkomazi says:

    Hi Griz, thank you for the follow!

  78. arihoma says:

    Hiya! Wanted to say thanks for following my photo blog! Glad you like it ^^

  79. man, that’s quite a tagline! hilarious.

  80. Ama says:

    Thanks for the follow…for the love of poetry!! You are busy….good busy.

  81. togetherone says:

    That’s for the visit and connecting via the art world!

  82. penfrea says:

    Thanks for the ‘like.’ Wow, you have some amazing interests and talents!

  83. Thank you very much for following my blog! Take care!

  84. Thanks for the follow. I’ve been enjoying your work. Great stuff.

  85. Art by Hebe says:

    Great adventures! Thanks for the follow

  86. Thanks for the follow. I look forward to more of your stuff.

  87. Lots of creativity here! Thank you so much for for subscribing to my blog.

  88. surfillinois says:

    Thanks for the add – TOTALLY appreciate your commitment to make art everything, and everywhere. The true explorers of the day are the artists, and the maps are their art.

  89. Melanee says:

    Thanks for following my blog. Look forward to checking out your many accomplishments. You inspire me to work a little harder for what I want.

  90. doodlinggal says:

    Hello and thank you for following my blog! It sounds like you have a truly satisfying life!

  91. Jessica says:

    Impressive resume! You sound like a busy guy. Awesome!

  92. HI – Thanks for following my blog. Philly is a great town, a friend of mine just opened a gallery in Germantown – Imperfect Gallery – art music poetry – I don’t know if you are near there but if you are – check it out. Can’t wait to check out your Think! brand……..

    • egrizzly305 says:

      I can make it out to Germantown. Will google it and pop up over there.. art/music/poetry galleries are usually my favorite.. Thank you for sharing that nugget of info..

  93. Griz, cheers for following my blog. As someone just starting out in the world of blogging I feel privileged to have someone with your track record reading my work and checking out my photos. I hope you enjoy my future works. I now look forward to hearing more of yours. Have an awesome day. Paul

  94. Thanks for your follow. Your positive attitude is great

  95. Thank you for the follow. Most appreciated.

  96. Thanks for the like and the follow!

  97. mrsjacoby19 says:

    Wowsaars(In My Mr Go Go Gadget Voice) Lol
    I don’t know where to begin!!! I’m humbled and honored that you are following my blog!! You are very accomplished. It’s so remarkable! It makes me inspired just reading your bio! May God continue to open up New Opportunities for you! God Bless You Erik!!

  98. SanGia says:

    Thank you so much for following our blog!
    Have a great day,

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